MANTRAS FOR HAPPY LIFE - manifesting the life you want

‘'The science of mantras and their effects’’ - is an ancient but also a very newly discovered science. Mantra comes from a Sanskrit word meaning: ’’ a sacred message or charm, spell, counsel ’’. Mantra is ’’sacred word’’ or ’’magic word’’. It is also a ’’sound which dispels fear and negativity.’’
Mantras can help to draw into your life, whatever you wish for - similar to a magic spell. There are mantras for many different purposes: for self-development, for protection, wealth, health, success, happiness… and many other purposes. In this workshop you will learn some very useful mantras, their proper pronunciation, their effects and also when and how to use them properly.
You will learn mantras for:
- Peace
- Wealth
- Success
- Health
- Happy Marriage
- Protection
- Against Fear& Depression
- Purification of the Mind & Environment
- Purifying Drinking Water
- Prayer before Food
- Self-improvement & Enlightenment
- Divine Love
The course in conducted by
Ananda Devi:

Ananda is a spiritual teacher and has taught thousands of people different meditation programs internationally since 1975. She holds an arts degree from Hamburg University, and is also one of the architects of Sri Sri Ravi Shankars Ashram in Bangalore.
Ananda is also a visionary artist for mainly spiritual and religious subjects, and a singer. Her albums with peaceful, meditative chanting are used worldwide in spiritual centers, Yoga Centers and retreats.
Ananda also founded the spiritual teaching of Shakti Yoga – the Path of Power, teaching programs for self-development together with Davor Vdovic and her trained teachers in different countries.
26.11. from 14-18 h @ Yogallery
Price €129 | € 108 Early Bird until 05.11 | limited capacity

Book your spot here!