w/ Davor Vdovic
The mere mention of the word "Ego" evokes in most people unpleasant associations such as: arrogance, selfishness, rigidity, cruelty and so on.
The ego never acts alone, but is always tied up with other parts of our being, such as: the mind, intellect, body... Is this synergy is inconvenient, then unwanted manifestations of the ego occur.
Vedic science placed the Ego at very high level of importance -> at the level next to the Soul. They also attributed following qualities to it: a sense of happiness, love, joy, balance, self-confidence… So every person can have a happy, dignified, fulfilled and purposeful life with the help to their egos. When our Ego becomes our best friend, it becomes a friend to everyone else we meet in life.
In this worksop we will use simple and ancient yogic techniques from Vedic knowledge. You will gain complete knowledge about the fundamental nature of the Ego, as well as knowledge about its interaction with other levels of our being. Everyone can learn to turn their Ego and the Ego of their loved ones into good friends.
The course in conducted by
Davor Vdovic

For 30 years Davor has been a dedicated student of different spiritual paths such as Transcendental Meditation, Shiva Yoga, Rebirthing, Reiki and the Art of Living. He met Dr. Deepak Chopra in 1990 and attended his seminars on Ayurveda. He is also an experienced rebirthing teacher.
Davor has advised thousands of people over 30 years in Jyotish – Vedic Astrology, as well as Western Astrology. Since 2001, Davor combines in his consultations his expertise on the Trinity of Vedic knowledge: Ayurveda, Jyotish and Vastu (Indian Feng Shui). He has also advised many people on their partnerships in partner compatibility sessions. Davor is also a musician and the producer and arranger of Anandas new CDs.
26.+27.11. from 10-13 h @ Yogallery
Price €180 | € 150 Early Bird until 05.11 | limited capacity
.Book your spot here!